
The Petrie Dish

Each day I feel differently about where I am and what I'm doing. I've been reading a lot and writing a bit. I keep pebbles in my shoes to keep me aware of the fact that I'm on my feet--that I intend to be on my feet. Been doing other experiments and stretches, but no practices as of yet. Trying to individuate and juggle the various and constant sense impressions, forge a working definition of love, read omens, imagine scents without visual cues, closing my eyes to see what shapes and colors and scenes manifest themselves, etc. (etc., what a cop-out that is)

Working in the fields, between patches of vegetables and with the sky on top of me, I often feel as though I'm in an atrium or a snow-globe without the snow. The light is eerie in the morning and overwhelming by mid-day. A pony was born last night and it has longlong legs and is incredibly sweet. If I could understand the computer in Italian, I might have a chance at posting some pictures, but right now that'll have to wait.

I found myself thinking in Italian the other day when I was pulling weeds. I'm understanding conversations much more, and can speak without great pauses. My mind often runs away to the future, and I'm trying to rein it in. Yesterday, I climbed a fig tree to pick figs and then made a mitt from a dead cactus leaf and picked cactus fruit. Diego, the main laborer and work boss, is getting on my nerves, but he'll be leaving on Saturday. My pee smells like tomatoes. Or the tomatoes smell like my pee?

There are other things, too.


ASJ said...

Italian seems to be coming quickly for you. Good. I wish Chinese would have done the same. Living aboud for a year I have learned one secret. At the bottom of the entrance blogger page you will se a tab for languages, lingue- then you can have your site in Italian. Perhaps that's not the problem and you already know that. I just want to warn you from experience that you ought not press anything that comes up as a second box twice, it might erase the whole thing

Anonymous said...

cactus-mitt! that's awesome. i envy you for the good tomatos you must be eating (dunno about the tomato pee, tho). can you see the stars at night? or is it too hazy? can you pick out any constellations? the only stars i've seen are on E!, as i've been watching too much tv. stay tuned